Counter Picks: A Comprehensive Guide to Dominate Your Opponents :

Greetings, fellow gamers! Are you tired of losing matches due to inadequate game knowledge? It’s time to step up your game with the power of counter picks. In this journal article, we will be discussing everything you need to know about counter picks, from the basics to advanced strategies. So, grab your favorite beverage, sit back, and let’s get started.

What are Counter Picks?

Counter picks refer to the practice of selecting a champion, hero, or character that has an advantage over your opponent’s pick. In simpler terms, it’s a way to gain an upper hand in the game by exploiting your opponent’s weaknesses. Counter picks are essential in games that have draft or pick/ban phases, such as League of Legends, Dota 2, and Overwatch.

Why are Counter Picks Important?

Counter picks are crucial because they can help you win matches even when you’re up against a skilled opponent. By picking a champion that has an advantage over your opponent, you can mitigate their strengths and exploit their weaknesses. This can lead to an easier laning phase, better team fights, and ultimately, a higher chance of winning the game.

How to Identify Counter Picks?

Identifying counter picks requires a good understanding of the game’s mechanics, champion abilities, and team compositions. You need to know what your opponent’s champion is good at and what they’re weak against. This can be done by researching on the internet, watching professional players, or simply playing the game and gaining experience.

Counter Picks vs. Comfort Picks

While counter picks are essential, it’s also important to consider your comfort picks. Comfort picks are champions that you’re familiar with and have a good win rate. It’s always better to pick a champion that you’re comfortable with rather than picking a counter pick that you have no experience playing. A good balance between counter picks and comfort picks is the key to success.

Basic Counter Picks

Now that you have a good understanding of what counter picks are, let’s discuss some basic counter picks that you can use in your games.

League of Legends

Opponent’s Pick Counter Pick
Darius Teemo
Zed Lissandra
Blitzcrank Morgana
Master Yi Jax

Dota 2

Opponent’s Pick Counter Pick
Phantom Assassin Axe
Invoker Nyx Assassin
Anti-Mage Bloodseeker
Phantom Lancer Ember Spirit


Opponent’s Pick Counter Pick
Reinhardt Junkrat
Winston Reaper
Genji Winston
Pharah Soldier: 76

Advanced Counter Pick Strategies

As you progress in the game and gain more experience, you’ll need to come up with more advanced counter pick strategies. Here are some tips to help you get started.

Team Compositions

When picking a counter pick, you need to consider your team’s composition as well. You don’t want to pick a champion that doesn’t fit well with your team’s strategy. For example, if your team is looking to play aggressively, you might want to pick a champion that has a strong early game. On the other hand, if your team is playing defensively, you might want to pick a champion that has good wave clear and can stall the game.

Flex Picks

Flex picks refer to champions that can play multiple roles. For example, in League of Legends, champions like Lulu and Karma can play both support and mid lane. Flex picks are valuable because they can confuse your opponent during the pick/ban phase and give you an advantage. If your opponent picks a champion that you know is weak against a flex pick, you can surprise them by picking the flex pick in a different role.

Counter Pick Chains

Counter pick chains refer to a series of counter picks that can help you gain an advantage in the game. For example, in Dota 2, if your opponent picks Phantom Lancer, you can counter pick with Ember Spirit. However, if your opponent picks Earthshaker to counter Ember Spirit, you can counter pick with Anti-Mage. Counter pick chains require a good understanding of the game and a lot of practice, but they can be very effective.


What if I’m not comfortable with any of the counter picks?

If you’re not comfortable with any of the counter picks, it’s better to pick a champion that you’re familiar with and have a good win rate. Counter picks are useless if you don’t know how to play the champion effectively.

What if my opponent picks a champion that has no direct counter pick?

If your opponent picks a champion that has no direct counter pick, you can try to pick a champion that can mitigate their strengths. For example, if your opponent picks a champion that has a strong early game, you can pick a champion that has good wave clear and can stall the game.

What if my opponent picks a champion that is a counter pick to my champion?

If your opponent picks a champion that is a counter pick to your champion, you can try to outplay them by playing aggressively and forcing them to make mistakes. Alternatively, you can pick a flex pick that can play multiple roles and confuse your opponent during the pick/ban phase.


Congratulations, you’ve reached the end of our comprehensive guide to counter picks. We hope that you’ve learned a lot and that you’ll use this knowledge to dominate your opponents in your games. Remember, counter picks are just one part of the game, and they’re not a guarantee of victory. You still need to play well, communicate with your team, and have a good attitude. Good luck, and have fun!

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